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This is MY passion... |
Now that that is out of the way, I should begin. This is my letter to Mr. Joe Scarborough, a.k.a Douchebag, in response to his unfounded conclusions between Autism and being a murderer. Yes, you did read that correctly. So, here goes:
Dear Mr. Scarborough,
You sir, are an idiot. Not just any kind of idiot either. You are the kind of close-minded, open-mouthed, idiot that really should never be in the public eye. I am thoroughly disgusted to see that despite having a son on the spectrum, you believe that many "shooters" commit these crimes because they are on the spectrum.
Just because some of the anti-social behaviors of those on the spectrum (though, keep in mind that many are friendly and fully functional in social settings) mimic those of a person who is rather mentally unstable (psychopath, sociopath, etc) DOES NOT mean that there is a link between the two. While I do have to commend you for acknowledging that you know NOTHING about the Colorado shooter, I just can't fathom how you drew that conclusion.
And while we're already here, what's to stop you from saying that rapists, pedophiles, thieves, and serial killers are also this way because of some "undiagnosed spectrum disorder"? I am being serious. Is this where your comments are hinting to? Is this what you really think of people on the Autism Spectrum as a whole?
For someone who has a child on the spectrum, you should be advocating awareness of the disorder and not drawing false conclusions about the "link" between Autism and murder. That makes you look like a horrible (not to mention ignorant) person and a terrible father. How do you think it makes your son feel to know that his daddy thinks that Autism disorders lead to murderers? Do you treat him differently, perhaps less kind or empathetical, because you think this way (I'm sure your kid is wondering this too now)? How are you going to justify these conclusions and remarks?
These kinds of comments are what breeds discrimination, hate, and lies. These kinds of comments only make the world a harder place for those on the spectrum to navigate through and succeed in. Already you are setting your own child up for failure with these kinds of comments and conclusions.
I believe that you owe the Autism Spectrum community (which is a VERY large one by the way Mr. Scarborough) one hell of a big public apology. Go ahead and do it the same way you told the world you believed this conclusion, on your talk show. I also believe that you should freshen up on your knowledge of mental disorders, because drawing conclusions without facts just makes you look like a douchebag.
The Mouthy Bitch
I also have to share this wonderful video that was posted after Joe stated his conclusions on public television. This young man, Kerry Magro, is also on the Autism spectrum and calls Scarborough out on his conclusions.
I also encourage everyone to sign this petition demanding Scarborough to retract his unfounded statements and apologize to those on the spectrum and those who love someone on the spectrum. I sure did and I hope you do too!!