Fuel for My Fire

So, I am always open to (serious) suggestions worth ranting about. If you think you have a topic or person of interest you would like to see me rant about on here just go ahead and leave me a quick comment. If you would like, you can also send me a quick email at miztinkswonderland@gmail.com and I will respond as soon as I can :)

I don't promise to use all ideas shared but I'm sure at least a few will make their way into a post or two.

Thank you so much for reading my blog and being willing to share your ideas, as well. Keep on the look-out for new rants and have a bitchin' day!!


  1. I'm thinking you could use a little Bling on your Blog! Stop by and pick up your Liebster Award! Go to: www.crapthatbugsme.blogspot.com
    Click on the page titled "Awards From Fellow Bloggers" and copy the award and the rules! I enjoy reading your blog!

  2. Wow!! Thank you so much! I am headed over there right now to pick it up :) I love reading your blog! This means a lot to me!


I enjoy reading feedback!! Even if I don't respond, I do read and rather enjoy the comments!! Thanks again for reading and have a bitchin' day!!

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